showNotification function

Future<NotificationWidgetState> showNotification({
  1. String? title,
  2. required String message,
  3. TextStyle? messageStyle,
  4. TextStyle? titleStyle,
  5. Color? backgroundColor,
  6. int? notificationDuration,
  7. int? animDuration,
  8. bool? autoDismissible,

This method can be used by the client to show a Notification as an overlay


Future<NotificationWidgetState> showNotification(
    {String? title,
    required String message,
    TextStyle? messageStyle,
    TextStyle? titleStyle,
    Color? backgroundColor,
    int? notificationDuration,
    int? animDuration,
    bool? autoDismissible}) async {
  /// Throws an error if message is null
  assert(message != null, '''Notification message cannot be null''');

  try {
    final instance = NotificationWidget(
      disposeOverlay: hideNotification,
      backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
      message: message,
      title: title,
      messageStyle: messageStyle,
      titleStyle: titleStyle,
      autoDismissible: autoDismissible,
      duration: notificationDuration,
      animDuration: animDuration,

    final child = Positioned(
      left: 8.0,
      right: 8.0,
      child: instance,

    _printLog('''Showing Notification overlay''');

    await _showOverlay(child: child, type: _OverlayType.Notification);
    return instance.get();
  } catch (err) {
    _printError('''Caught an exception while trying to show Notification''');
    throw err;