
Daily, we use OTP for account verification for bank transactions to the normal login mobile verification Depending upon the usage the length of the OTP may differ, this variation is because of security for transactions added we have the timer for OTP, so the auto-fill OTP is a mandatory feature for every app, for iOS, the auto fill is the default feature but in android, we need that, this plugin fulfills the need.

Getting Started


##To listen for the SMS with the code.

await OtpDetect().listenForCode();

This will listen for the SMS with the code during 5 minutes and when received, autofill the following widget. ##PinFieldAutoFill

                decoration: // UnderlineDecoration, BoxLooseDecoration or BoxTightDecoration see https://github.com/TinoGuo/pin_input_text_field for more info,
                currentCode: // prefill with a code
                onCodeSubmitted: //code submitted callback
                onCodeChanged: //code changed callback
                codeLength: //code length, default 6


decoration: // basic InputDecoration
currentCode: // prefill with a code
onCodeSubmitted: //code submitted callback
onCodeChanged: //code changed callback
codeLength: //code length, default 6

##Android SMS constraint For the code to be receive, it need to follow some rules as describe here: https://developers.google.com/identity/sms-retriever/verify Be no longer than 140 bytes Contain a one-time code that the client sends back to your server to complete the verification flow End with an 11-character hash string that identifies your app One example of SMS would be:

ExampleApp: Your code is 123456

Custom CodeAutoFill If you want to create a custom widget that will autofill with the sms code, you can use the CodeAutoFill mixin that will offer you:

listenForCode() to listen for the SMS code from the native plugin when SMS is received, need to be called on your initState.
cancel() to dispose the subscription of the SMS code from the native plugin, need to be called on your dispose.
codeUpdated() called when the code is received, you can access the value with the field code.
unregisterListener() to unregister the broadcast receiver, need to be called on your dispose.