isInstanceReady method

Future<Response<HealthStatus>> isInstanceReady({
  1. CancelToken? cancelToken,
  2. Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
  3. Map<String, dynamic>? extra,
  4. ValidateStatus? validateStatus,
  5. ProgressCallback? onSendProgress,
  6. ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress,

Check readiness status This endpoint returns a 200 status code when the HTTP server is up running and the environment dependencies (e.g. the database) are responsive as well. If the service supports TLS Edge Termination, this endpoint does not require the `X-Forwarded-Proto` header to be set. Be aware that if you are running multiple nodes of this service, the health status will never refer to the cluster state, only to a single instance.


  • cancelToken - A CancelToken that can be used to cancel the operation
  • headers - Can be used to add additional headers to the request
  • extras - Can be used to add flags to the request
  • validateStatus - A ValidateStatus callback that can be used to determine request success based on the HTTP status of the response
  • onSendProgress - A ProgressCallback that can be used to get the send progress
  • onReceiveProgress - A ProgressCallback that can be used to get the receive progress

Returns a Future containing a Response with a HealthStatus as data Throws DioError if API call or serialization fails


Future<Response<HealthStatus>> isInstanceReady({
  CancelToken? cancelToken,
  Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
  Map<String, dynamic>? extra,
  ValidateStatus? validateStatus,
  ProgressCallback? onSendProgress,
  ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress,
}) async {
  final _path = r'/health/ready';
  final _options = Options(
    method: r'GET',
    headers: <String, dynamic>{
    extra: <String, dynamic>{
      'secure': <Map<String, String>>[],
    validateStatus: validateStatus,

  final _response = await _dio.request<Object>(
    options: _options,
    cancelToken: cancelToken,
    onSendProgress: onSendProgress,
    onReceiveProgress: onReceiveProgress,

  HealthStatus? _responseData;

  try {
    final rawResponse =;
    _responseData = rawResponse == null ? null : _serializers.deserialize(
      specifiedType: const FullType(HealthStatus),
    ) as HealthStatus;

  } catch (error, stackTrace) {
    throw DioError(
      requestOptions: _response.requestOptions,
      response: _response,
      type: DioErrorType.unknown,
      error: error,
      stackTrace: stackTrace,

  return Response<HealthStatus>(
    data: _responseData,
    headers: _response.headers,
    isRedirect: _response.isRedirect,
    requestOptions: _response.requestOptions,
    redirects: _response.redirects,
    statusCode: _response.statusCode,
    statusMessage: _response.statusMessage,
    extra: _response.extra,