OrgContentGrammarDefinition class

Content grammar definition

These rules cover all "content", as opposed to "structure". See OrgGrammarDefinition.


Constructors{List<String>? radioTargets})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
radioTargets List<String>?
Plain-text strings to be linked to a <<<radio target>>>.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


affiliatedKeyword() → Parser
affiliatedKeywordKey() → Parser
affiliatedKeywordValue() → Parser
anyChar() → Parser
arbitraryGreaterBlock() → Parser
blankLines() → Parser
block() → Parser
bold() → Parser
build<T>({Function? start, List<Object> arguments = const []}) → Parser<T>
Builds a composite parser from this definition.
buildFrom<T>(Parser<T> parser) → Parser<T>
Builds a composite parser starting at the specified production.
citation() → Parser
citationBody() → Parser
citationStyle() → Parser
code() → Parser
comment() → Parser
date() → Parser
day() → Parser
dayName() → Parser
delay() → Parser
delayMark() → Parser
drawer() → Parser
drawerContent() → Parser
drawerEnd() → Parser
drawerStart() → Parser
dynamicBlock() → Parser
dynamicBlockContent() → Parser
dynamicBlockEnd() → Parser
dynamicBlockStart() → Parser
element() → Parser
entity() → Parser
entityBody() → Parser
entityEnd() → Parser
escape() → Parser
fixedWidthArea() → Parser
fixedWidthLine() → Parser
footnote() → Parser
footnoteBody() → Parser
footnoteDefinition() → Parser
footnoteName() → Parser
footnoteReference() → Parser
footnoteReferenceInline() → Parser
footnoteReferenceNamed() → Parser
greaterBlock() → Parser
horizontalRule() → Parser
hours() → Parser
indent() → Parser
indented(Parser parser) → Parser
inlineSourceArguments() → Parser
inlineSourceBlock() → Parser
inlineSourceBody() → Parser
inlineSourceLanguage() → Parser
italic() → Parser
keyword() → Parser
latexBlock() → Parser
latexInline() → Parser
lineTrailing() → Parser
lineTrailingWhitespace() → Parser
linkChar() → Parser
linkDescription() → Parser
linkEscape() → Parser
linkPart() → Parser
linkPartBody() → Parser
linkTarget() → Parser
linkTargetBorder() → Parser
linkTargetContent() → Parser
list() → Parser
listCheckBox() → Parser
listCounterSet() → Parser
listItem() → Parser
listItemAnyStart() → Parser
listItemContents() → Parser
listItemOrdered() → Parser
listItemOrderedIndent() → Parser
listItemUnordered() → Parser
listItemUnorderedIndent() → Parser
listOrderedBullet() → Parser
listTag() → Parser
listUnorderedBullet() → Parser
localVariables() → Parser
macroReference() → Parser
macroReferenceArgs() → Parser
macroReferenceKey() → Parser
markup(String marker) → Parser
markupBody(String marker) → Parser
markupBorder() → Parser
markupContents(String marker) → Parser
markups() → Parser
minMaxRepeater() → Parser
minMaxRepeatUnit() → Parser
minutes() → Parser
month() → Parser
namedBlockEnd(String name) → Parser
namedBlockStart(String name) → Parser
namedGreaterBlock(String name) → Parser
namedRichBlock(String name) → Parser
namedVerbatimBlock(String name) → Parser
nonDrawerElements() → Parser
nonLinkObjects() → Parser
nonLinkTextRun([Parser? limit]) → Parser
nonParagraphElements() → Parser
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
object() → Parser
paragraph() → Parser
paragraphEnd() → Parser
path2() → Parser
pgpBlock() → Parser
pgpBlockBody() → Parser
pgpBlockEnd() → Parser
pgpBlockStart() → Parser
plainText([Parser? limit]) → Parser
planningLine() → Parser
postMarkup() → Parser
preMarkup() → Parser
property() → Parser
propertyKey() → Parser
propertyValue() → Parser
protocol() → Parser
radioLinkAfter() → Parser
radioLinkBefore() → Parser
radioLinkImpl(List<String> targets) → Parser
radioTarget() → Parser
repeater() → Parser
repeaterMark() → Parser
repeaterOrDelay() → Parser
repeaterOrDelays() → Parser
repeatOrDelayUnit() → Parser
reverseId(Parser inner, Parser terminator) → Parser
richBlockContent(String name) → Parser
sexp([String delimiters = '()']) → Parser
sexpAtom([String delimiters = '()']) → Parser
sexpList([String delimiters = '()']) → Parser
srcBlock() → Parser
srcBlockLanguageToken() → Parser
srcBlockStart() → Parser
start() → Parser
The starting production of this definition.
statsCookie() → Parser
statsCookieFraction() → Parser
statsCookiePercent() → Parser
strikeThrough() → Parser
subscript() → Parser
subSuperscriptBody() → Parser
superscript() → Parser
table() → Parser
tableCell() → Parser
tableCellContents() → Parser
tableCellLeading() → Parser
tableCellTrailing() → Parser
tableDotElDivider() → Parser
tableLine() → Parser
tableRow() → Parser
tableRowRule() → Parser
tableRowStandard() → Parser
textRun([Parser? limit]) → Parser
time() → Parser
timestamp() → Parser
timestampDateRange(bool active) → Parser
timestampDiary() → Parser
timestampRange(bool active) → Parser
timestampSimple(bool active) → Parser
timestampTimeRange(bool active) → Parser
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
underline() → Parser
verbatim() → Parser
verbatimBlockContent(String name) → Parser
year() → Parser


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.