opus_multistream_decoder_create method

Pointer<OpusMSDecoder> opus_multistream_decoder_create(
  1. int Fs,
  2. int channels,
  3. int streams,
  4. int coupled_streams,
  5. Pointer<Uint8> mapping,
  6. Pointer<Int32> error,

Allocates and initializes a multistream decoder state. Call opus_multistream_decoder_destroy() to release this object when finished. @param Fs opus_int32: Sampling rate to decode at (in Hz). This must be one of 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, or 48000. @param channels int: Number of channels to output. This must be at most 255. It may be different from the number of coded channels (streams + coupled_streams). @param streams int: The total number of streams coded in the input. This must be no more than 255. @param coupled_streams int: Number of streams to decode as coupled (2 channel) streams. This must be no larger than the total number of streams. Additionally, The total number of coded channels (streams + coupled_streams) must be no more than 255. @paramin mapping const unsigned charchannels: Mapping from coded channels to output channels, as described in @ref opus_multistream. @paramout error int *: Returns #OPUS_OK on success, or an error code (see @ref opus_errorcodes) on failure.


ffi.Pointer<OpusMSDecoder> opus_multistream_decoder_create(
  int Fs,
  int channels,
  int streams,
  int coupled_streams,
  ffi.Pointer<ffi.Uint8> mapping,
  ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int32> error,
) {
  return _opus_multistream_decoder_create(
      Fs, channels, streams, coupled_streams, mapping, error);