StreamOpusEncoder<T extends num>.bytes constructor

StreamOpusEncoder<T extends num>.bytes({
  1. required FrameTime frameTime,
  2. required bool floatInput,
  3. required int sampleRate,
  4. required int channels,
  5. required Application application,
  6. bool fillUpLastFrame = true,
  7. bool copyOutput = true,

Creates a new StreamOpusEncoder with sampleRate, channels and application type that expects its input Lists to be bytes in form of Uint8List.

The bytes are either interpreted as floats (if floatInput is true), or as s16le (if floatInput is false).

For more information of the parameters see the documentation of fillUpLastFrame and copyOutput.


    {required FrameTime frameTime,
    required bool floatInput,
    required int sampleRate,
    required int channels,
    required Application application,
    bool fillUpLastFrame = true,
    bool copyOutput = true})
    : this._(frameTime, floatInput, Uint8List, sampleRate, channels,
          application, fillUpLastFrame, copyOutput);