mapOrElse<U> method
Maps a Result<T, E>
to a Result<U, E>
using the given mapFn
function with
the held value if the Result
is Ok. Otherwise returns the result of
as Ok(orFn())
will only be evaluated if this Result
is Err.
Result<int, String> a = Ok(1);
Result<int, String> b = Err('foo');
print(a.mapOrElse(() => 5, (val) => val + 1).unwrap()); // prints: 2
print(b.mapOrElse(() => 5, (val) => val + 1).unwrap()); // prints: 5
Note: Unlike Rust's
this method returns a Result
value. Given that returns
the mapped Result
it just made sense for this method to do the same.
See also:
Rust: Result::map_or_else()
Result<U, E> mapOrElse<U>(U Function() orFn, U Function(T) mapFn) => switch (this) {
Ok(:T v) => Ok(mapFn(v)),
Err() => Ok(orFn())