operator ~ method

  1. @Deprecated('Use `Result.call()` as `value()` to unwrap `Result` type values instead.')
T operator ~()

Deprecated: Use Result.call() as value() to easily unwrap Result type values instead.

Shortcut to call Result.unwrap().

Warning: This is an unsafe operation. A ResultError will be thrown if this operator is used on an Err value. You can take advantage of this safely via catchResult/catchResultAsync.

var foo = Ok(1);
var bar = Ok(2);

print(~foo + ~bar); // prints: 3

Note: if you need to access fields or methods on the held value when using ~, you'll need to use parentheses like so:

var res = Ok(1);


Additionally, If you need to perform a bitwise NOT on the held value of a Result, you have a few choices:

var res = Ok(1);

print(~(~res)); // prints: -2
print(~~res); // prints: -2
print(~res.unwrap()); // prints: -2;

See also: Rust: Result::unwrap()


@Deprecated('Use `Result.call()` as `value()` to unwrap `Result` type values instead.')
T operator ~() => unwrap();