operator == method

  1. @override
bool operator ==(
  1. Object other

Compare equality between two Result values.

Result values are considered equal if the values they hold are equal, or if they hold references to the same object (identical()). When comparing Ok values, the type of E will be elided, and T will be elided when comparing Err values.

This means that Ok<int, String>(1) is equal to Ok<int, int>(1) and Err<int, String>('foo') is equal to Err<bool, String>('foo') because their held values are equatable and their irrelevant types are elided.


operator ==(Object other) => switch (other) {
	Ok(value: T value) when isOk() => identical(value, unwrap()) || value == unwrap(),
	Err(value: E err) when isErr() => identical(err, unwrapErr()) || err == unwrapErr(),
	_ => false