makePerspective method

  1. @override
dynamic makePerspective(
  1. dynamic left,
  2. dynamic right,
  3. dynamic top,
  4. dynamic bottom,
  5. dynamic near,
  6. dynamic far,


makePerspective(left, right, top, bottom, near, far) {
      'THREE.WebGPURenderer: Modified Matrix4.makePerspective() and Matrix4.makeOrtographic() to work with WebGPU, see');

  var te = this.elements;
  var x = 2 * near / (right - left);
  var y = 2 * near / (top - bottom);

  var a = (right + left) / (right - left);
  var b = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom);
  var c = -far / (far - near);
  var d = -far * near / (far - near);

  te[0] = x;
  te[4] = 0;
  te[8] = a;
  te[12] = 0;
  te[1] = 0;
  te[5] = y;
  te[9] = b;
  te[13] = 0;
  te[2] = 0;
  te[6] = 0;
  te[10] = c;
  te[14] = d;
  te[3] = 0;
  te[7] = 0;
  te[11] = -1;
  te[15] = 0;

  return this;