expandByPoint method

Sphere expandByPoint(
  1. Vector3 point


Sphere expandByPoint(Vector3 point) {
  // from https://github.com/juj/MathGeoLib/blob/2940b99b99cfe575dd45103ef20f4019dee15b54/src/Geometry/Sphere.cpp#L649-L671

  _toPoint.subVectors(point, center);

  var lengthSq = _toPoint.lengthSq();

  if (lengthSq > (radius * radius)) {
    var length = Math.sqrt(lengthSq);
    var missingRadiusHalf = (length - radius) * 0.5;

    // Nudge this sphere towards the target point. Add half the missing distance to radius,
    // and the other half to position. This gives a tighter enclosure, instead of if
    // the whole missing distance were just added to radius.

    center.add(_toPoint.multiplyScalar(missingRadiusHalf / length));
    radius += missingRadiusHalf;

  return this;