addMultiple top-level property

Null Function(dynamic feature, dynamic substitution, dynamic script, dynamic language) addMultiple
getter/setter pair


Substitution.prototype.addMultiple = function(feature, substitution, script, language) {
    check.assert( instanceof Array && > 1, 'Multiple: "by" must be an array of two or more ids');
    const lookupTable = this.getLookupTables(script, language, feature, 2, true)[0];
    const subtable = getSubstFormat(lookupTable, 1, {                // lookup type 2 subtable, format 1, coverage format 1
        substFormat: 1,
        coverage: {format: 1, glyphs: []},
        sequences: []
    check.assert(subtable.coverage.format === 1, 'Multiple: unable to modify coverage table format ' + subtable.coverage.format);
    const coverageGlyph = substitution.sub;
    let pos = this.binSearch(subtable.coverage.glyphs, coverageGlyph);
    if (pos < 0) {
        pos = -1 - pos;
        subtable.coverage.glyphs.splice(pos, 0, coverageGlyph);
        subtable.sequences.splice(pos, 0, 0);
    subtable.sequences[pos] =;