getEnglishName method

dynamic getEnglishName(
  1. dynamic name

Create an array of Path objects that represent the glyphs of a given text. @param {string} text - The text to create. @param {number} x=0 - Horizontal position of the beginning of the text. @param {number} y=0 - Vertical position of the baseline of the text. @param {number} fontSize=72 - Font size in pixels. We scale the glyph units by 1 / unitsPerEm * fontSize. @param {GlyphRenderOptions=} options @return {opentype.Path[]}


// getPaths(text, x, y, fontSize, options) {
//     var glyphPaths = [];
//     this.forEachGlyph(text, x, y, fontSize, options, function(glyph, gX, gY, gFontSize) {
//         var glyphPath = glyph.getPath(gX, gY, gFontSize, options, this);
//         glyphPaths.push(glyphPath);
//     });

//     return glyphPaths;
// }

// /**
//  * Returns the advance width of a text.
//  *
//  * This is something different than Path.getBoundingBox() as for example a
//  * suffixed whitespace increases the advanceWidth but not the bounding box
//  * or an overhanging letter like a calligraphic 'f' might have a quite larger
//  * bounding box than its advance width.
//  *
//  * This corresponds to canvas2dContext.measureText(text).width
//  *
//  * @param  {string} text - The text to create.
//  * @param  {number} [fontSize=72] - Font size in pixels. We scale the glyph units by `1 / unitsPerEm * fontSize`.
//  * @param  {GlyphRenderOptions=} options
//  * @return advance width
//  */
// getAdvanceWidth(text, fontSize, options) {
//     return this.forEachGlyph(text, 0, 0, fontSize, options, () {});
// }

// /**
//  * Draw the text on the given drawing context.
//  * @param  {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx - A 2D drawing context, like Canvas.
//  * @param  {string} text - The text to create.
//  * @param  {number} [x=0] - Horizontal position of the beginning of the text.
//  * @param  {number} [y=0] - Vertical position of the *baseline* of the text.
//  * @param  {number} [fontSize=72] - Font size in pixels. We scale the glyph units by `1 / unitsPerEm * fontSize`.
//  * @param  {GlyphRenderOptions=} options
//  */
// draw(ctx, text, x, y, fontSize, options) {
//   this.getPath(text, x, y, fontSize, options).draw(ctx);
// }

// /**
//  * Draw the points of all glyphs in the text.
//  * On-curve points will be drawn in blue, off-curve points will be drawn in red.
//  * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx - A 2D drawing context, like Canvas.
//  * @param {string} text - The text to create.
//  * @param {number} [x=0] - Horizontal position of the beginning of the text.
//  * @param {number} [y=0] - Vertical position of the *baseline* of the text.
//  * @param {number} [fontSize=72] - Font size in pixels. We scale the glyph units by `1 / unitsPerEm * fontSize`.
//  * @param {GlyphRenderOptions=} options
//  */
// drawPoints(ctx, text, x, y, fontSize, options) {
//   this.forEachGlyph(text, x, y, fontSize, options, (glyph, gX, gY, gFontSize) {
//     glyph.drawPoints(ctx, gX, gY, gFontSize);
//   });
// }

// /**
//  * Draw lines indicating important font measurements for all glyphs in the text.
//  * Black lines indicate the origin of the coordinate system (point 0,0).
//  * Blue lines indicate the glyph bounding box.
//  * Green line indicates the advance width of the glyph.
//  * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx - A 2D drawing context, like Canvas.
//  * @param {string} text - The text to create.
//  * @param {number} [x=0] - Horizontal position of the beginning of the text.
//  * @param {number} [y=0] - Vertical position of the *baseline* of the text.
//  * @param {number} [fontSize=72] - Font size in pixels. We scale the glyph units by `1 / unitsPerEm * fontSize`.
//  * @param {GlyphRenderOptions=} options
//  */
// drawMetrics(ctx, text, x, y, fontSize, options) {
//   this.forEachGlyph(text, x, y, fontSize, options, (glyph, gX, gY, gFontSize) {
//     glyph.drawMetrics(ctx, gX, gY, gFontSize);
//   });
// }

getEnglishName(name) {
  var translations = this.names[name];
  if (translations != null) {
    return translations["en"];