loginWithDeviceCode method

Future<OpenIdIdentity> loginWithDeviceCode()


Future<OpenIdIdentity> loginWithDeviceCode() async {
  if (_autoRenewTimer != null) _autoRenewTimer = null;

  //Make sure we have the discovery information
  await _verifyDiscoveryDocument();

  //Get the token information and prompt for login if necessary.
  try {
    final response = await OpenIdConnect.authorizeDevice(
      request: DeviceAuthorizationRequest(
        clientId: clientId,
        scopes: _getScopes(scopes),
        audience: audiences != null ? audiences!.join(" ") : null,
        configuration: configuration!,
    //Load the idToken here
    await _completeLogin(response);

    if (autoRefresh) _setupAutoRenew();

    return _identity!;
  } on Exception catch (e) {
    _raiseEvent(AuthEvent(AuthEventTypes.Error, message: e.toString()));
    throw AuthenticationException(e.toString());