getAuthenticationToken static method

Future<MaybeError<String>> getAuthenticationToken({
  1. required String username,
  2. required String password,
  3. bool setCookie = false,
  4. UriProductHelper uriHelper = uriHelperFoodProd,

Authentication: provide username/password and get a bearer token in return.

username: Open Food Facts user_id (not email) password: user password (clear text, but HTTPS encrypted) A token is returned. If the set_cookie parameter is set to 1, the token is also set as a cookie named "session" in the response. To authenticate, you can either:

  • use the Authorization header with the Bearer scheme, e.g.: "Authorization: bearer token"
  • use the session cookie, e.g.: "Cookie: session=token"


static Future<MaybeError<String>> getAuthenticationToken({
  required final String username,
  required final String password,
  final bool setCookie = false,
  final UriProductHelper uriHelper = uriHelperFoodProd,
}) async {
  final Uri uri = uriHelper.getUri(
    path: '/api/v1/auth${setCookie ? '?set_cookie=1' : ''}',
    forcedHost: _getHost(uriHelper),
  final Response response = await post(
    body: <String, String>{
      'username': username,
      'password': password,
  if (response.statusCode == 200) {
    try {
      final dynamic decodedResponse = HttpHelper().jsonDecodeUtf8(response);
      return MaybeError<String>.value(decodedResponse['access_token']);
    } catch (e) {
  return MaybeError<String>.responseError(response);