OpenFoodAPIClient class

Client calls of the Open Food Facts API


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

addProductImage(User user, SendImage image, {QueryType? queryType}) Future<Status>
Send one image to the server. The image will be added to the product specified in the SendImage Returns a Status object as result.
extractIngredients(User user, String barcode, OpenFoodFactsLanguage language, {OcrField ocrField = OcrField.GOOGLE_CLOUD_VISION, QueryType? queryType}) Future<OcrIngredientsResult>
Extract the ingredients from image with the given parameters. The ingredients' language should be given (ingredients_fr, ingredients_de, ingredients_en)
extractPackaging(User user, String barcode, OpenFoodFactsLanguage language, {OcrField ocrField = OcrField.GOOGLE_CLOUD_VISION, QueryType? queryType}) Future<OcrPackagingResult>
Extracts the text from packaging image with OCR.
getAutocompletedSuggestions(TagType taxonomyType, {String input = '', OpenFoodFactsLanguage language = OpenFoodFactsLanguage.ENGLISH, QueryType? queryType, int limit = 25}) Future<List>
Returns suggestions.
getCrowdinUri(OpenFoodFactsLanguage language) Uri
Returns the URI to the crowdin page for a language. Crowdin is used in used in the official open food facts app for translating the app
getOrderedNutrients({required String? cc, required OpenFoodFactsLanguage language, QueryType? queryType}) Future<OrderedNutrients>
Returns the nutrient hierarchy specific to a country, localized.
getOrderedNutrientsJsonString({required OpenFoodFactsCountry country, required OpenFoodFactsLanguage language, QueryType? queryType}) Future<String>
Returns the nutrient hierarchy specific to a country, localized, as JSON Use OpenFoodAPIClient.getOrderedNutrients to get them as a OrderedNutrient object.
getProduct(ProductQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<ProductResult>
Returns the product for the given barcode. The ProductResult does not contain a product, if the product is not available. ingredients, images and product name will be prepared for the given language.
getProductFreshness({required List<String> barcodes, required ProductQueryVersion version, User? user, OpenFoodFactsLanguage? language, OpenFoodFactsCountry? country, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, ProductFreshness>>
Returns the ProductFreshness for all the barcodes.
getProductImageIds(String barcode, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<List<int>>
Returns the ids of all uploaded images for that product.
getProductInsights(String barcode, User user, {QueryType? queryType}) Future<InsightsResult>
getProductRaw(String barcode, OpenFoodFactsLanguage language, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<ProductResult>
Returns the product for the given barcode. The ProductResult does not contain a product, if the product is not available. No parsing of ingredients. No adjustment by language. No replacing of '"' with '"'.
getProductString(ProductQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<String>
Returns the response body of "get product" API for the given barcode.
getProductUri(String barcode, {OpenFoodFactsLanguage? language, OpenFoodFactsCountry? country, QueryType? queryType, required bool replaceSubdomain}) Uri
Returns the URI to the product page on a website
getProductV3(ProductQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<ProductResultV3>
The ProductResultV3 does not contain a product, if the product is not available. ingredients, images and product name will be prepared for the given language.
getRandomInsight(User user, {InsightType? type, String? country, String? valueTag, String? serverDomain, QueryType? queryType}) Future<InsightsResult>
getRandomRobotoffQuestion(String lang, User? user, {int? count, List<InsightType>? types, QueryType? queryType}) Future<RobotoffQuestionResult>
getRobotoffQuestionsForProduct(String barcode, String lang, {User? user, int? count, QueryType? queryType}) Future<RobotoffQuestionResult>
getSuggestions(TagType taxonomyType, {String input = '', required OpenFoodFactsLanguage language, OpenFoodFactsCountry? country, String? categories, String? shape, int limit = 25, QueryType? queryType, User? user}) Future<List<String>>
getTaxonomy<T extends JsonObject, F extends Enum>(TaxonomyQueryConfiguration<T, F> configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, T>?>
getTaxonomyAdditives(TaxonomyAdditiveQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, TaxonomyAdditive>?>
getTaxonomyAllergens(TaxonomyAllergenQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, TaxonomyAllergen>?>
getTaxonomyCategories(TaxonomyCategoryQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, TaxonomyCategory>?>
getTaxonomyCountries(TaxonomyCountryQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, TaxonomyCountry>?>
getTaxonomyIngredients(TaxonomyIngredientQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, TaxonomyIngredient>?>
getTaxonomyLabels(TaxonomyLabelQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, TaxonomyLabel>?>
getTaxonomyLanguages(TaxonomyLanguageQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, TaxonomyLanguage>?>
getTaxonomyNova(TaxonomyNovaQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, TaxonomyNova>?>
getTaxonomyOrigins(TaxonomyOriginQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, TaxonomyOrigin>?>
getTaxonomyPackagingMaterials(TaxonomyPackagingMaterialQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, TaxonomyPackagingMaterial>?>
getTaxonomyPackagingRecycling(TaxonomyPackagingRecyclingQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, TaxonomyPackagingRecycling>?>
getTaxonomyPackagings(TaxonomyPackagingQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, TaxonomyPackaging>?>
getTaxonomyPackagingShapes(TaxonomyPackagingShapeQueryConfiguration configuration, {User? user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Map<String, TaxonomyPackagingShape>?>
getTaxonomyTranslationUri(TagType taxonomyTagType, {required OpenFoodFactsLanguage language, QueryType? queryType, bool replaceSubdomain = true}) Uri
Returns the URI to the translation page for a taxonomy.
login(User user, {QueryType? queryType}) Future<bool>
Uses the API to see if login was successful Returns a bool if the login data of the provided user is correct
login2(User user, {QueryType? queryType}) Future<LoginStatus?>
Logs in and returns data about the user if relevant.
postInsightAnnotation(String? insightId, InsightAnnotation annotation, {User? user, String? deviceId, bool update = true, QueryType? queryType}) Future<Status>
register({required User user, required String name, required String email, String? orgName, bool newsletter = true, OpenFoodFactsLanguage? language, OpenFoodFactsCountry? country, QueryType? queryType}) Future<SignUpStatus>
Creates a new user
resetPassword(String emailOrUserID, {QueryType? queryType, OpenFoodFactsLanguage? language, OpenFoodFactsCountry? country}) Future<Status>
Uses to send a password reset Email
saveProduct(User user, Product product, {QueryType? queryType, OpenFoodFactsCountry? country, OpenFoodFactsLanguage? language}) Future<Status>
Add the given product to the database.
searchProducts(User? user, AbstractQueryConfiguration configuration, {QueryType? queryType}) Future<SearchResult>
Search the OpenFoodFacts product database with the given parameters. Returns the list of products as SearchResult. Query the language specific host from OpenFoodFacts.
setProductImageAngle({required String barcode, required ImageField imageField, required OpenFoodFactsLanguage language, required String imgid, required ImageAngle angle, required User user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<String?>
Rotates a product image from an already uploaded image.
setProductImageCrop({required String barcode, required ImageField imageField, required OpenFoodFactsLanguage language, required String imgid, required int x1, required int y1, required int x2, required int y2, required User user, ImageAngle angle = ImageAngle.NOON, QueryType? queryType}) Future<String?>
Crops an already uploaded image.
temporarySaveProductV3(User user, String barcode, {List<ProductPackaging>? packagings, bool? packagingsComplete, QueryType? queryType, OpenFoodFactsCountry? country, OpenFoodFactsLanguage? language}) Future<ProductResultV3>
Temporary: saves product packagings V3 style.
unselectProductImage({required String barcode, required ImageField imageField, required OpenFoodFactsLanguage language, required User user, QueryType? queryType}) Future<void>
Unselect a product image.


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