temporarySaveProductV3 static method

Future<ProductResultV3> temporarySaveProductV3(
  1. User user,
  2. String barcode, {
  3. List<ProductPackaging>? packagings,
  4. QueryType? queryType,
  5. OpenFoodFactsCountry? country,
  6. OpenFoodFactsLanguage? language,

Temporary: saves product packagings V3 style.

For the moment that's the only field supported in WRITE by API V3. Long term target is of course more something like saveProduct.


static Future<ProductResultV3> temporarySaveProductV3(
  final User user,
  final String barcode, {
  final List<ProductPackaging>? packagings,
  final QueryType? queryType,
  final OpenFoodFactsCountry? country,
  final OpenFoodFactsLanguage? language,
}) async {
  final Map<String, dynamic> parameterMap = <String, dynamic>{};
  if (packagings == null) {
    // For the moment it's the only purpose of this method: saving packagings.
    throw Exception('packagings cannot be null');
  parameterMap['product'] = {};
  parameterMap['product']['packagings'] = packagings;
  if (language != null) {
    parameterMap['lc'] = language.offTag;
    parameterMap['tags_lc'] = language.offTag;
  if (country != null) {
    parameterMap['cc'] = country.offTag;

  var productUri = UriHelper.getPatchUri(
    path: '/api/v3/product/$barcode',
    queryType: queryType,

  final Response response = await HttpHelper().doPatchRequest(
    queryType: queryType,
  return ProductResultV3.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));