getTaxonomyTranslationUri static method

Uri getTaxonomyTranslationUri(
  1. TagType taxonomyTagType, {
  2. required OpenFoodFactsLanguage language,
  3. QueryType? queryType,
  4. bool replaceSubdomain = true,

Returns the URI to the translation page for a taxonomy.

Not supported for EMB_CODES. If the target website supports different subdomains for language, replaceSubdomain should be set to true.


static Uri getTaxonomyTranslationUri(
  final TagType taxonomyTagType, {
  required final OpenFoodFactsLanguage language,
  final QueryType? queryType,
  final bool replaceSubdomain = true,
}) {
  if (taxonomyTagType == TagType.EMB_CODES) {
    throw Exception('No taxonomy translation for $taxonomyTagType');
  final Uri uri = UriHelper.getUri(
    path: taxonomyTagType.offTag,
    queryType: queryType,
    queryParameters: {'translate': '1'},
    addUserAgentParameters: false,
  if (!replaceSubdomain) {
    return uri;
  return UriHelper.replaceSubdomainWithCodes(
    languageCode: language.offTag,