sqrBoxFilter function

Mat sqrBoxFilter(
  1. Mat src,
  2. int depth,
  3. (int, int) ksize, {
  4. Point? anchor,
  5. bool normalize = true,
  6. int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT,
  7. Mat? dst,

SqBoxFilter calculates the normalized sum of squares of the pixel values overlapping the filter.

For further details, please see: https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#ga76e863e7869912edbe88321253b72688


Mat sqrBoxFilter(
  Mat src,
  int depth,
  (int, int) ksize, {
  Point? anchor,
  bool normalize = true,
  int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT,
  Mat? dst,
}) {
  dst ??= Mat.empty();
  anchor ??= Point(-1, -1);
    () => cimgproc.SqrBoxFilter(src.ref, dst!.ref, depth, ksize.cvd.ref, anchor!.ref, normalize, borderType),
  return dst;