connectedComponentsWithStatsAsync function

Future<(int, Mat, Mat, Mat)> connectedComponentsWithStatsAsync(
  1. Mat src,
  2. int connectivity,
  3. int ltype,
  4. int ccltype,

ConnectedComponentsWithStats computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image and also produces a statistics output for each label.

For further details, please see: https:///


Future<(int rval, Mat labels, Mat stats, Mat centroids)> connectedComponentsWithStatsAsync(
  Mat src,
  int connectivity,
  int ltype,
  int ccltype,
) async =>
      (callback) =>
          cimgproc.ConnectedComponentsWithStats_Async(src.ref, connectivity, ltype, ccltype, callback),
      (completer, p, p1, p2, p3) {
        final rval = p.cast<ffi.Int>().value;;
        final labels = Mat.fromPointer(p1.cast<cvg.Mat>());
        final stats = Mat.fromPointer(p2.cast<cvg.Mat>());
        final centroids = Mat.fromPointer(p3.cast<cvg.Mat>());
        completer.complete((rval, labels, stats, centroids));