kmeansAsync function

Future<(double, Mat, Mat)> kmeansAsync(
  1. InputArray data,
  2. int K,
  3. InputOutputArray bestLabels,
  4. (int, int, double) criteria,
  5. int attempts,
  6. int flags,

KMeans finds centers of clusters and groups input samples around the clusters.

For further details, please see:


Future<(double rval, Mat bestLabels, Mat centers)> kmeansAsync(
  InputArray data,
  int K,
  InputOutputArray bestLabels,
  (int, int, double) criteria,
  int attempts,
  int flags,
) async =>
        (callback) =>
            ccore.core_KMeans_Async(data.ref, K, bestLabels.ref, criteria.cvd.ref, attempts, flags, callback),
        (completer, p, p1) {
      final rval = p.cast<ffi.Double>().value;;
      completer.complete((rval, bestLabels, Mat.fromPointer(p1.cast<cvg.Mat>())));