getTextSize function
GetTextSizeWithBaseline calculates the width and height of a text string including the basline of the text. It returns an image.Point with the size required to draw text using a specific font face, scale, and thickness as well as its baseline.
For further details, please see: http:///
(Size size, int baseline) getTextSize(
String text,
int fontFace,
double fontScale,
int thickness,
) {
return using<(Size, int)>((arena) {
final baseline = arena<ffi.Int>();
final size = calloc<cimgproc.Size>();
final textPtr = text.toNativeUtf8(allocator: arena);
cvRun(() =>
cimgproc.GetTextSizeWithBaseline(textPtr.cast(), fontFace, fontScale, thickness, baseline, size));
return (Size.fromPointer(size), baseline.value);