calcBackProject function

Mat calcBackProject(
  1. VecMat src,
  2. VecI32 channels,
  3. Mat hist,
  4. VecF32 ranges, {
  5. Mat? dst,
  6. double scale = 1.0,

CalcBackProject calculates the back projection of a histogram.

For futher details, please see: https:///


Mat calcBackProject(
  VecMat src,
  VecI32 channels,
  Mat hist,
  VecF32 ranges, {
  Mat? dst,
  double scale = 1.0,
}) {
  final p = dst?.ptr ?? calloc<cimgproc.Mat>();
  cvRun(() => cimgproc.CalcBackProject(src.ref, channels.ref, hist.ref, p, ranges.ref, scale));
  return dst ?? Mat.fromPointer(p);