getTriangleListAsync method

Future<VecVec6f> getTriangleListAsync()

Returns a list of all triangles.

The function gives each triangle as a 6 numbers vector, where each two are one of the triangle vertices. i.e. p1_x = v0, p1_y = v1, p2_x = v2, p2_y = v3, p3_x = v4, p3_y = v5.


Future<VecVec6f> getTriangleListAsync() async => cvRunAsync1(
      (callback) => cimgproc.Subdiv2D_GetTriangleList_Async(ref, callback),
      (completer, p) => completer.complete(VecVec6f.fromPointer(p.cast<cvt.VecVec6f>())),