bitwiseOR function

Mat bitwiseOR(
  1. InputArray src1,
  2. InputArray src2, {
  3. OutputArray? dst,
  4. InputArray? mask,

BitwiseOr calculates the per-element bit-wise disjunction of two arrays or an array and a scalar.

For further details, please see:


Mat bitwiseOR(
  InputArray src1,
  InputArray src2, {
  OutputArray? dst,
  InputArray? mask,
}) {
  dst ??= Mat.empty();
  mask == null
      ? cvRun(() => ccore.Mat_BitwiseOr(src1.ref, src2.ref, dst!.ref))
      : cvRun(() => ccore.Mat_BitwiseOrWithMask(src1.ref, src2.ref, dst!.ref, mask.ref));
  return dst;