composePanorama method
These functions try to compose the given images (or images stored internally from the other function calls) into the final pano under the assumption that the image transformations were estimated before.
(StitcherStatus, Mat pano) composePanorama({VecMat? images}) {
final rptr = calloc<ffi.Int>();
final rpano = Mat.empty();
images == null
? cvRun(() => cstitching.cv_Stitcher_composePanorama(ref, rpano.ref, rptr, ffi.nullptr))
: cvRun(
() => cstitching.cv_Stitcher_composePanorama_1(ref, images.ref, rpano.ref, rptr, ffi.nullptr),
final rval = (StitcherStatus.fromInt(rptr.value), rpano);;
return rval;