
Generate package-agnostic Dart models from an OpenAPI specification. You bring your own code for accessing the API but benefit from nicely mapped model classes.

By default the generated models support the packages equatable, json_serializable, and copy_with_extension.


Since the models support additional functionality through other packages, you will need to install these as well:

dart pub add equatable json_annotation copy_with_extension
dart pub add --dev build_runner copy_with_extension_gen json_serializable


To generate the model classes from a given OpenAPI spec file use the following command:

dart run openapi_model_gen -i ./openapi_spec.yaml -o ./lib/generated_models/
dart run build_runner build

This will generate classes for all schemas found in the spec file.

Schema Mappings

If you want to reference classes that are not generated, you can map class names to import urls. In that case the imports will be automatically added where appropriate.

dart run openapi_model_gen <...> --schema-mappings ExternalClass=package:external_package/external_class.dart

External packages

If you don't want or need support for some of the external packages, you can explicitly enable or disable them. By default every package is enabled.

# enable all (only for readability, as the flags are enabled by default)
dart run openapi_model_gen --copy-with --json-serializable --equatable <...>
# disable all
dart run openapi_model_gen --no-copy-with --no-json-serializable --no-equatable <...>
