The total number Works that cite a work created by an author affiliated with this institution. Or less formally: the number of citations this institution has collected.
Counts of works and citations for each of the last ten years, binned by year.
To put it another way: each year, you can see how many new works this institution put out, and how many times any work affiliated with this institution got cited.
A bunch of stuff we know about the location of this institution:
city (String): The city where this institution lives.
geonames_city_id (String): The city where this institution lives, as a GeoNames database ID.
region (String): The sub-national region (state, province) where this institution lives.
country_code (String): The country where this institution lives, represented as an ISO two-letter country code.
country (String): The country where this institution lives.
latitude (Float): Does what it says.
longitude (Float): Does what it says.
The ROR (Research Organization Registry) identifier is a globally unique ID for research organization. ROR is a community-led project to develop an open, sustainable, usable, and unique identifier for every research organization in the world.
The last time anything in this Institution changed, expressed as an ISO 8601 date string. This date is updated for any change at all, including increases in various counts.
The Concepts most frequently applied to works affiliated with this institution. Each is represented as a Concept object, with one additional attribute: