OpenMobileNavigator constructor

const OpenMobileNavigator({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required List<OpenMobileNavigatorItem> items,
  3. int initialIndex = 0,
  4. Color primaryColor =,
  5. Color decorationColor = Colors.white,
  6. Color inactiveColor = Colors.grey,

Creates an OpenMobileNavigator with the given configuration.

items is the list of navigation items. initialIndex is the index of the initially selected item. primaryColor is the color for the selected item. decorationColor is the color for the background decoration. inactiveColor is the color for the non-selected items.


const OpenMobileNavigator({
  required this.items,
  this.initialIndex = 0,
  this.primaryColor =,
  this.decorationColor = Colors.white,
  this.inactiveColor = Colors.grey,
}) : assert(items.length >= 2);