shareFileToTelegram method

Future shareFileToTelegram({
  1. required String? filePath,
  2. required String fileProviderPath,
  3. required AssetType fileType,
  4. String? dstPath,
  5. String? message,

Share local file to Telegram platform.

The method required a local video file path (filePath), a custom file provider path (fileProviderPath => use on Android platform) and a fileType that you want to share. Besides, you can provide a dstPath (use on Android platform) to add a custom save folder path to cache the local file.

NOTE: Because there is noway to send a file directly to Telegram on iOS so the method will call the UIActivityViewController class on iOS instead and user have to choose Telegram app to share the file.

Working on: Android and iOS platforms.


Future<dynamic> shareFileToTelegram({
  required String? filePath,
  required String fileProviderPath,
  required AssetType fileType,
  String? dstPath,
  String? message,
}) async {
  return _channel.invokeMethod(
    <String, dynamic>{
      'filePath': filePath,
      'fileProviderPath': fileProviderPath,
      'dstPath': dstPath,
      'message': message,