open save file dialog
A Flutter plugin for opening and saving files on Android, using native file chooser.
Select a file for saving
Call the async method saveFileDialog
, where you pass a String for the new file content, and you can pass a String for the named parameter startingFileName
if you want.
You get the saved file name as a String(you could get another name if the selected name is already taken by another file and you don't select it for rewriting), or null if no file was selected.
import 'package:open_save_file_dialogs/open_save_file_dialogs.dart';
final _openSaveFileDialogsPlugin = OpenSaveFileDialogs();
final newFileName = await _openSaveFileDialogsPlugin.saveFileDialog(content: myTextContent, startingFileName: "test.txt");
Select a file for opening
Call the async method openFileDialog
You get the selected file content as a String, or null if no file was selected.
Throws an exception if the content could not be read.
import 'package:open_save_file_dialogs/open_save_file_dialogs.dart';
final _openSaveFileDialogsPlugin = OpenSaveFileDialogs();
final path = await _openSaveFileDialogsPlugin.openFileDialog();
For developers
Updating native code
If needed, run
dart run pigeon --input pigeon/native_communication.dart
in order to update generated native code