ORSDirections extension



directionsMultiRouteCoordsPost({required List<ORSCoordinate> coordinates, Object? alternativeRoutes, List<String>? attributes, bool continueStraight = false, bool? elevation, List<String>? extraInfo, bool geometrySimplify = false, String? id, bool instructions = true, String instructionsFormat = 'text', String language = 'en', bool maneuvers = false, Object? options, String preference = 'recommended', List<int>? radiuses, bool roundaboutExits = false, List<int>? skipSegments, bool suppressWarnings = false, String units = 'm', bool geometry = true, int? maximumSpeed, ORSProfile? profileOverride}) Future<List<ORSCoordinate>>
Fetches the Direction Route information for the route connecting the various given coordinates, from the openrouteservice API, and then parses it's coordinates to a List of ORSCoordinate objects.
directionsMultiRouteDataPost({required List<ORSCoordinate> coordinates, Object? alternativeRoutes, List<String>? attributes, bool continueStraight = false, bool? elevation, List<String>? extraInfo, bool geometrySimplify = false, String? id, bool instructions = true, String instructionsFormat = 'text', String language = 'en', bool maneuvers = false, Object? options, String preference = 'recommended', List<int>? radiuses, bool roundaboutExits = false, List<int>? skipSegments, bool suppressWarnings = false, String units = 'm', bool geometry = true, int? maximumSpeed, ORSProfile? profileOverride}) Future<List<DirectionRouteData>>
Fetches the Direction Route information for the route connecting the various coordinates from the openrouteservice API, and returns the entire geojson DirectionRouteData containing the response data.
directionsMultiRouteGeoJsonPost({required List<ORSCoordinate> coordinates, Object? alternativeRoutes, List<String>? attributes, bool continueStraight = false, bool? elevation, List<String>? extraInfo, bool geometrySimplify = false, String? id, bool instructions = true, String instructionsFormat = 'text', String language = 'en', bool maneuvers = false, Object? options, String preference = 'recommended', List<int>? radiuses, bool roundaboutExits = false, List<int>? skipSegments, bool suppressWarnings = false, String units = 'm', bool geometry = true, int? maximumSpeed, ORSProfile? profileOverride}) Future<GeoJsonFeatureCollection>
Fetches the Direction Route information for the route connecting the various coordinates from the openrouteservice API, and returns the entire geojson GeoJsonFeatureCollection containing the response data.
directionsRouteCoordsGet({required ORSCoordinate startCoordinate, required ORSCoordinate endCoordinate, ORSProfile? profileOverride}) Future<List<ORSCoordinate>>
Fetches the Direction Route information for the route between startCoordinate and endCoordinate from the openrouteservice API, and parses it's coordinates to a List of ORSCoordinate objects.
directionsRouteGeoJsonGet({required ORSCoordinate startCoordinate, required ORSCoordinate endCoordinate, ORSProfile? profileOverride}) Future<GeoJsonFeatureCollection>
Fetches the Direction Route information for the route between startCoordinate and endCoordinate from the openrouteservice API, and returns the entire geojson GeoJsonFeatureCollection containing data.