ScaleRAWA constructor

const ScaleRAWA({
  1. Duration popupDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
  2. Curve popupCurveIn = Curves.easeIn,
  3. Curve popupCurveOut = Curves.easeOut,
  4. Duration buttonDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
  5. Curve buttonCurve = Curves.easeInOut,

Prebuilt animation provider for a RichAttributionWidget

Provides a scaling animation for the popup box, centered around RichAttributionWidget.alignment.

Allows further customisation of the popup box's animation duration and curves, as well as the open/close button's.


const ScaleRAWA({
  this.popupDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
  this.popupCurveIn = Curves.easeIn,
  this.popupCurveOut = Curves.easeOut,
  this.buttonDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
  this.buttonCurve = Curves.easeInOut,