FormattedLocation constructor

const FormattedLocation({
  1. required String placeId,
  2. required double lat,
  3. required double lon,
  4. required String licence,
  5. required String osmType,
  6. String? icon,
  7. required int osmId,
  8. required int placeRank,
  9. required String category,
  10. required String type,
  11. required double importance,
  12. required String addressType,
  13. required String name,
  14. required String displayName,
  15. required Address address,
  16. required Map<String, dynamic> extratags,
  17. required Map<String, dynamic> namedetails,
  18. required LatLngBounds? boundingBox,
  19. required GeoGeometry geojson,


const factory FormattedLocation({
  ///reference to the Nominatim internal database ID
  required String placeId,

  /// latitude of the centroid of the object
  required double lat,

  /// longitude of the centroid of the object
  required double lon,
  required String licence,

  ///reference to the OSM object
  required String osmType,
  String? icon,

  /// reference to the OSM object
  required int osmId,

  /// search rank of the object
  required int placeRank,

  ///key of the main OSM tag
  required String category,

  /// value of the main OSM tag
  required String type,

  /// computed importance rank
  required double importance,
  required String addressType,
  required String name,

  ///full comma-separated address
  required String displayName,

  /// dictionary of address details
  required Address address,

  /// dictionary with additional useful tags like website or max speed
  required Map<String, dynamic> extratags,

  /// dictionary with full list of available names including ref etc
  required Map<String, dynamic> namedetails,

  ///area of corner coordinates
  required LatLngBounds? boundingBox,

  /// GeoBounds of object
  required GeoGeometry geojson,
}) = _FormattedLocation;