Open File Manager

A Flutter plugin to open the default File Manager 📁 app.

Platform Support

Android iOS
SDK 21+ iOS 12+

Use of AndroidFolderType.other requires minimum SDK 26 in Android.

Features 🚀

  • Android:

    • Ability to open Recent, Downloads, and Other folders.
    • For the Other folder, you need to specify the folder path.
  • iOS:

    • Ability to open the app’s Documents folder and its subdirectories.

Please follow the iOS platform configuration ⬇️ before jump to the Dart code.

iOS Configuration

The iOS app can open the app’s Documents folder and its subdirectories if specified.

The plugin will open the Files app on iOS. To display your app’s Documents folder under On My iPhone, add the following code snippet to your Info.plist:


Additionally, you must save at least one file to your app’s Documents folder for it to appear in the Files app.

Code Implementation 👨‍💻

It's a super simple to implement. Just call the openFileManager method and add androidConfig for Android and iosConfig for iOS.

import 'package:open_file_manager/open_file_manager.dart';

   androidConfig: AndroidConfig(
       folderType: AndroidFolderType.recent,
   iosConfig: IosConfig(
       // Path is case-sensitive here.
       folderPath: 'Reports/Sheets',

Default method without config:

import 'package:open_file_manager/open_file_manager.dart';


If androidConfig is not provided, the Android app will open the Downloads folder by default.

If iosConfig is not provided, the iOS app will open the app's Documents folder by default.

Open Other folder on Android:

To open a specific folder on Android, you need to set folderType as AndroidFolderType.other and provide the folderPath in AndroidConfig:

import 'package:open_file_manager/open_file_manager.dart';

    androidConfig: AndroidConfig(
        folderType: AndroidFolderType.other,
        folderPath: 'Pictures/Screenshots',

The folderPath supports the following path formats:

  • Pictures/Screenshots
  • /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Screenshots
  • /storage/243F-4E12/Pictures/Screenshots

If folderPath does not exist, the Recent folder will be opened.

