initialize static method

Future<bool> initialize({
  1. required bool isProduction,
  2. required String checkSumKey,
  3. required String publicKey,
  4. required String privateKey,
  5. required String passphrase,
  6. required String bksPassphrase,

Initialize OneTwoThreeSDK Service

  • isProduction (Required) - Indicates environment uses in OneTwoThreeSDK (FALSE - UAT Environment (default), TRUE - Production Environment)
  • checkSumKey (Required) - A key to calculate checksum for requests ans responses.
  • publicKey (Required) - A public key to encrypt requests from API.
  • privateKey (Required) - A private key to decrypt responses from API.
  • passphrase (Required) - A passphrase to access the private key.
  • bksPassphrase (Android Required) - A bkspassphrase that provided when generate the private key.


static Future<bool> initialize({
  required bool isProduction,
  required String checkSumKey,
  required String publicKey,
  required String privateKey,
  required String passphrase,

  /// For Android Only
  required String bksPassphrase,
}) async {
  return await _channel.invokeMethod('initialize', {
    'isProduction': isProduction,
    'checkSumKey': checkSumKey,
    'publicKey': publicKey,
    'privateKey': privateKey,
    'passphrase': passphrase,
    'bksPassphrase': bksPassphrase,