getDeeplinkStatus static method

Future<GetDeeplinkStatusResponse> getDeeplinkStatus({
  1. String merchantId = '',
  2. String paymentCode = '',
  3. String merchantReference = '',

Returns a JSON response or if an error occurred will be throw exception. Merchant can check deeplink payment status for each specific payment code.

  • merchantId (Required) - Merchant ID
  • merchantReference (Conditional) - Optional if 'paymentCode' is presented and vice versa.
  • paymentCode (Conditional) - Optional if 'merchantReference' is presented and vice versa.


static Future<GetDeeplinkStatusResponse> getDeeplinkStatus({
  String merchantId = '',
  String paymentCode = '',
  String merchantReference = '',
}) async {
  var result = await _channel.invokeMethod('getDeeplinkStatus', {
    'merchantId': merchantId,
    'paymentCode': paymentCode,
    'merchantReference': merchantReference,
  return GetDeeplinkStatusResponse.fromJson(result);