TransactionInfo constructor

const TransactionInfo({
  1. required List<AccessListEntry> accessList,
  2. required String blockHash,
  3. required int blockNumber,
  4. required BigInt? chainId,
  5. required String from,
  6. required int gas,
  7. required int? gasPrice,
  8. required String hash,
  9. required String input,
  10. required int? maxFeePerGas,
  11. required int? maxPriorityFeePerGas,
  12. required int nonce,
  13. required String r,
  14. required String s,
  15. required String? to,
  16. required int transactionIndex,
  17. required int type,
  18. required int v,
  19. required BigInt value,
  20. required int? yParity,

Creates a new instance of the TransactionInfo class.


const TransactionInfo({
  required this.accessList,
  required this.blockHash,
  required this.blockNumber,
  required this.chainId,
  required this.from,
  required this.gas,
  required this.gasPrice,
  required this.hash,
  required this.input,
  required this.maxFeePerGas,
  required this.maxPriorityFeePerGas,
  required this.nonce,
  required this.r,
  required this.s,
  required this.transactionIndex,
  required this.type,
  required this.v,
  required this.value,
  required this.yParity,