ABICoder<T>.fromType constructor

  1. String type

Factory method to create an ABICoder instance based on the provided type string.


factory ABICoder.fromType(String type) {
  String? correctType;
  // Check for array, bytes, and numeric types
  if (type.endsWith(']')) {
    correctType = "array";
  } else if (type.startsWith('bytes')) {
    correctType = "bytes";
  } else if (type.startsWith('uint') || type.startsWith('int')) {
    correctType = "number";
  // Use the corrected type or the original type if not modified
  correctType ??= type;
  if (!_types.containsKey(correctType)) {
    throw MessageException("Unsuported ABI type", details: {"type": type});
  // Return the corresponding ABICoder instance
  return _types[correctType]! as ABICoder<T>;