encode method

  1. @override
List<int> encode({
  1. bool hash = true,

Encodes the typed data structure into a list of integers using EIP-712 version 1.


List<int> encode({bool hash = true}) {
  // Extract values, types, and names from Eip712TypedDataV1 instances
  final values = typesData.map((e) => e.value).toList();
  final types = typesData.map((e) => e.type).toList();
  final names = typesData.map((e) => "${e.type} ${e.name}").toList();
  // Calculate hashes for types and names
  final typesHash =
      QuickCrypto.keccack256Hash(_EIP712Utils.legacyV1encode(types, values));
  final namesHash = QuickCrypto.keccack256Hash(_EIP712Utils.legacyV1encode(
      List.generate(names.length, (index) => "string"), names));
  final toBytes = _EIP712Utils.legacyV1encode(
      ['bytes32', 'bytes32'], [namesHash, typesHash]);
  if (!hash) {
    return toBytes;
  return QuickCrypto.keccack256Hash(toBytes);