SolanaPrivateKey.fromBytes constructor

  1. List<int> keypairBytes

Factory method to create a SolanaPrivateKey instance from bytes representing a keypair.


factory SolanaPrivateKey.fromBytes(List<int> keypairBytes) {
  // Check if the byte length matches the expected length of a Solana keypair.
  if (keypairBytes.length !=
      (Ed25519KeysConst.privKeyByteLen + Ed25519KeysConst.pubKeyByteLen)) {
    throw MessageException(
        "Invalid Solana keypair length. A valid keypair must consist of exactly 64 bytes, combining both the seed and public key components.",
        details: {"length": keypairBytes.length});
  // Extract seed bytes and public bytes from the keypair bytes.
  final seedBytes = keypairBytes.sublist(0, Ed25519KeysConst.privKeyByteLen);
  final publicBytes = keypairBytes.sublist(Ed25519KeysConst.privKeyByteLen);
  // Create a private key from the seed bytes.
  final privateKey = Ed25519PrivateKey.fromBytes(seedBytes);
  // Check if the extracted public bytes match the public key derived from the private key.
  if (!bytesEqual(
      publicBytes)) {
    throw MessageException("Invalid keypair");
  return SolanaPrivateKey._(privateKey);