TransactionReceipt constructor

const TransactionReceipt({
  1. required String? blockHash,
  2. required int? blockNumber,
  3. String? contractAddress,
  4. required int? cumulativeGasUsed,
  5. required int? effectiveGasPrice,
  6. required String from,
  7. required int? gasUsed,
  8. required String logsBloom,
  9. required bool? status,
  10. required String? to,
  11. required String transactionHash,
  12. required int? transactionIndex,
  13. required int type,
  14. required List<LogEntry> logs,

Creates a new instance of the TransactionReceipt class.


const TransactionReceipt({
  required this.blockHash,
  required this.blockNumber,
  required this.cumulativeGasUsed,
  required this.effectiveGasPrice,
  required this.from,
  required this.gasUsed,
  required this.logsBloom,
  required this.status,
  required this.transactionHash,
  required this.transactionIndex,
  required this.type,
  required this.logs,