toFee method

FeeHistorical toFee()

Converts the fee history to FeeHistorical with priority fee levels.


FeeHistorical toFee() {
  FeeHistorical toPriority(List<_FeeHistorical> priorities, BigInt baseFee) {
    BigInt avg(List<BigInt> arr) {
      BigInt sum = arr.reduce((a, v) => a + v);
      return sum ~/ BigInt.from(arr.length);

    BigInt slow = avg( {
      return b.priorityFeePerGas[0];
    BigInt average =
        avg( => b.priorityFeePerGas[1]).toList());
    BigInt fast = avg( => b.priorityFeePerGas[2]).toList());
    return FeeHistorical(
        slow: slow, high: fast, normal: average, baseFee: baseFee);

  int minLength = [gasUsedRatio.length, baseFeePerGas.length, reward.length]
      .reduce((min, current) => current < min ? current : min);
  final List<_FeeHistorical> historical = List.generate(
      (index) => _FeeHistorical(
          baseFeePerGas: baseFeePerGas[index],
          gasUsedRatio: gasUsedRatio[index],
          priorityFeePerGas: reward[index]));
  return toPriority(historical, baseFeePerGas.last);