details/extensions/room_helper_extension library


OnFavoritesHelper on FavoritesEntity
A on_audio_room extension to help the package.
OnFavoritesListHelper on List<FavoritesEntity>
A on_audio_room extension to help the package.
OnLastPlayedHelper on LastPlayedEntity
A on_audio_room extension to help the package.
OnLastPlayedListHelper on List<LastPlayedEntity>
A on_audio_room extension to help the package.
OnMostPlayedHelper on MostPlayedEntity
A on_audio_room extension to help the package.
OnMostPlayedListHelper on List<MostPlayedEntity>
A on_audio_room extension to help the package.
OnSongsHelper on SongEntity
A on_audio_room extension to help the package.
OnSongsListHelper on List<SongEntity>
A on_audio_room extension to help the package.