provide<T> function

void provide<T>(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. T value, {
  3. Object? key,

Provides a value of type T that can be injected into descendant widgets.

The context is the build context of the widget providing the value. The value is the actual value to be provided. An optional key can be used to differentiate between multiple providers of the same type.

This function stores the provided value in the widget tree, making it available for injection in descendant widgets using the inject function.

If a value of the same type (or with the same key) already exists, it will be updated, and any widgets depending on it will be rebuilt.


void provide<T>(BuildContext context, T value, {Object? key}) {
  final values = provides[context] ??= {};
  final storeKey = key ?? T;
  Provided? provided = values[storeKey];

  if (provided == null || provided.value is! T) {
    provided = values[storeKey] = Provided<T>(value, provided?.deps);
  } else if (!identical(value, provided.value)) {
    provided.value = value;
