calculateResponsiveWidth method
Determine width of implemented widget.
This method will measure width in BoxConstraints.maxWidth if
offered and MediaQuery.sizeOf when constraints
does not offered or returned double.infinity which causes
throw AssertionError due to unbounded widgets.
double calculateResponsiveWidth(BuildContext context,
{BoxConstraints? constraints}) {
// Try to get constraint max width or apply as unbounded width
double measuredWidth = constraints?.maxWidth ?? double.infinity;
if (measuredWidth.isInfinite) {
// Uses width of devices or window instead if measured unbounded.
measuredWidth = MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).width;
if (measuredWidth >= 1200) {
measuredWidth /= 2.25;
} else if (measuredWidth >= 992) {
measuredWidth /= 2;
} else if (measuredWidth >= 768) {
measuredWidth /= 1.5;
} else if (measuredWidth >= 564) {
measuredWidth /= 1.125;
return measuredWidth;