validateFeatureInLine method

bool validateFeatureInLine(
  1. String line,
  2. double percent,
  3. bool validate(
    1. String

takes a String (line) which is a line and contains a list of Strings joined with space and each one of them much validate. if most of them returned true then the function must return true


bool validateFeatureInLine(
    String line, double percent, bool Function(String) validate) {
  int truth = 0;
  int all = 0;
  List<String> elements = line.trim().split(' ');
  for (String e in elements) {
    if (validate(e)) truth++;
  // print("truth: ${truth}");
  // print("all: ${all}");
  // print("Percent: ${truth / all * 100}");
  return truth / all * 100 > percent;