OBS Dart Package Logo

Introduction 📘

The Observable Dart package is a state management solution tailored for Flutter applications. It enables efficient and flexible handling of state changes.

Features 🌟

  • Sealed Class for State Management: Uses ObservableState<T> for various states like True, False, Some, None, Waiting, and Error.
  • Generic Observable: Core class Observable<T> to track and notify state changes.
  • Asynchronous Support: Methods for asynchronous initialization and updates.
  • Observer and Watcher Patterns: Facilitates state subscriptions for widgets and functions.
  • Error Handling: Robust management of exceptions for application stability.
  • Flutter Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Flutter's UI components.

Installation 🛠️

Coming soon.

Documentation 📚

Coming soon.


While the package is usable, it lacks tests and documentation which are all soon to follow. Check out the example for a basic breakdown of OBS's usage.

Author: Paurini Taketakehikuroa Wiringi

