The utilities extension for Dart & Flutter object.

version license

Getting started

  objectx: '1.0.1+1'


For all extensions:

import 'package:objectx/objectx.dart';

· let extension on T (T extends Object?)

String foo(String a) {
  return 'Value is $a';

String? boo() {
  return null;

void main(){
  String fooValue;
  // Method 1: create a local value.
  final value = boo();
  if(value != null){
    fooValue = foo(value);
    fooValue = '';
  // Method 2: without creating local value, but will call the boo method multi times.
  fooValue = boo() != null ? foo(boo()!) : '';
  // With let: the boo value is called once, let provides that value and continues to process it.
  fooValue = boo()?.let(foo) ?? '';

· letOrNull extension on T? (T extends Object)

  // Like let, but addition onNull function
  fooValue = boo().letOrNull((it) => foo(it), onNull: () => '');

· print extension on Object?

  • print to console with tag > $tag: $object
// Method 1:
String foo(String a) {
  final value = 'Value is $a';
  return value;

// With objectx:
String foo(String a) {
  return 'Value is $a'..print();

· castTo extension on T (T extends Object?)

class A {
  const A(this.value);

  final String value;

class B extends A {
  const B(super.value, this.number);

  final int number;

void foo(A a) {
  int? value;
  // Method 1:
  value = a is B ? a.number : null;
  // With castTo:
  value = a.castTo<B?>()?.number; // returns null if can not cast a to B

· firstLetter extension on String

final String a = 'Hello World';
final first = a[0]; // 'H'
final firstLetter = a.firstLetter(); // 'HW', split by space

· toNum extension on String

String a = '3.14';
a.toNum();// 3.14;
a.toInt(); // null // cause int.tryParse('3.14') = null
a.toDouble(); // 3.14
a.toBool(); // null

· limitIn extension on num

// return value in the range [0, 1], 
// if the value is smaller than 0, the minimum value returns is 0,
// and otherwise, the maximum value is 1.
final finalValue = limitIn(0, value, 1);

· read extension on Map<K, V>

Features and bugs


Some extension is not work in dynamic type.
Please cast to Object? or somethings like that to use it.
See more

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


Support for doing something awesome.