findIdsWithScores method
Finds IDs of objects matching the query associated to their query score (e. g. distance in NN search).
Returns a list of IdWithScore that wraps IDs of matching objects and their score, sorted by score in ascending order.
This only works on objects with a property with an HnswIndex.
List<IdWithScore> findIdsWithScores() {
final resultPtr = checkObxPtr(C.query_find_ids_with_scores(_ptr));
try {
final items = resultPtr.ref.ids_scores;
final count = resultPtr.ref.count;
return List.generate(count, (i) {
// items[i] only available with Dart 3.3
final item = items.elementAt(i).ref;
final id =;
final score = item.score;
return IdWithScore(id, score);
}, growable: false);
} finally {